HMG 150IU (Humog 150)

HMG 150IU (Humog 150)

This is a hormonal agent. Contains the menopausal human gonadotropin, which is obtained from the urine of women in menopause. This drug causes an increase in the level of estrogen in the blood, the maturation of the egg in women, and in men activates the production of testosterone, the process of spermatogenesis.

Composition and release form

Active ingredient: monotropin - human menopausal gonadotropin HMG 150IU in an amount that corresponds to 75 or 150 IU FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), 75 or 150 IU LH (luteinizing hormone).


HMG 150IU applied:

  • - in case of female infertility on the background of hypo- / normogonadotropic ovarian insufficiency associated with impaired follicle maturation;
  • - for the induction of ovulation (in combination with hCG preparations);
  • - in case of male infertility on the background of hypo- / normogonadotropic hypogonadism associated with impaired spermatogenesis (in combination with hCG preparations).

Dosage and administration

Humog 150 applied strictly on doctor's prescription.

The solution after dissolution is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

Dosing to stimulate the growth of follicles dosing is selected depending on the reaction of the ovaries, adjusted for the level of estrogen in the blood, the results of ultrasound. Treatment begins with a dose of 75–150 ME / day (1–2 ampoules). In the absence of the reaction, the dose is gradually increased until the registration of the growth of follicles, increasing the level of estrogen. This dose is maintained until the estrogen level reaches preovulatory.

In order to induce ovulation, 5000–10000 ME hCG are administered once (1-2 days after the last injection of hMG).

To stimulate spermatogenesis, 1000–3000 ME hCG is indicated 3 times / week - until the testosterone index in the blood normalizes. Next, 75–150 ME (1–2 ampoules) are administered three times a week for several months.

Package 1 vial of 150IU
Substance Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

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  • Views: 22785
  • Brand: Bharat serums
  • Product Code: 620
  • Availability: In Stock
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  • $53.90
  • Ex Tax: $53.90