

Alpha-Pharma Alphabolin 100mg/ml in the sports field is known as one of the soft and non-dangerous steroids, which does not cause side effects. Alpha-Pharma Alphabolin is available as an injection. Alphabolin has a long period of action, about two weeks.

Features of the use of Alpha-Pharma Alphabolin 100mg/ml

1. To obtain the optimal effect, Primover is combined with preparations for weight gain, including in the combined course no more than one item. Both steroids need to be used in a half dose.
2. The drug is not able to transform into estrogen, which allows you to take it without the risk of obtaining edema or gynecomastia.
3. Alphabolin amp. 100mg/ml does not cause a rise in blood cholesterol levels, which prevents blood pressure surges and increased hair loss in athletes.
4. Alphabolin amp. 100mg/ml detection time ranges from a month and a half to six months; this should be taken into account when preparing athletes for competitions.
The active ingredient Alphabolin - methenolone enanthate, is a modified testosterone molecule, which has reduced androgenic properties and strengthened anabolic. This means that the same dosage of Alpha-Pharma Alphabolin will produce a greater effect than the same dosage of testosterone, and at the same time will have fewer side effects, which is a big advantage of the metenolone enanthate.

How to take Alphabolin 100mg/ml

Since the drug is quite mild and not fast, it requires a course of 6-8 weeks. But over-tightening the course is also not recommended due to the increasing likelihood of negative side effects.

The course is conducted in dosages of 200-500 mg, depending on the parameters of the athlete and the desired results at the exit. As a rule, most athletes put 400 mg of the drug once a week and get good muscle growth and strength. Application outside the recommendations of more than 600 mg per week is highly undesirable, since it dramatically increases the likelihood of side effects of the steroid.

The drug can be used and women, most importantly, do not plan for the duration of the course of pregnancy or conceiving a child. The course of injections for women is carried out in dosages of 50-100 mg per week. Compliance with the recommended dosages will ensure the absence of virilization and masculinization effects.

Reception is also ideal for maintaining muscle mass during drying and the formation of relief. For an amateur athlete, he will be able to add quite a lot of muscle volume, while a professional will most likely notice little effect on this effect.

For those who want more, Alphabolin 100mg/ml can be combined with other steroids. Combination with the esters of nandrolone will be the safest and most reliable option for mass gain with minimal recoil. Combining with testosterones of various forms or Sustanon will give a much faster and more powerful mass flow and increase in power characteristics. For the same purpose, suitable oxymetholone or methandienone.

To enhance drying and a more pronounced relief in the course of such a steroid is not rarely include Winstrol. The rule for the combined courses is the same: the dosages of each steroid must be half the recommended dosage for taking solo.

Package 5 ampoules (100mg/ml)
Substance Methenolone enanthate (Primobolan depot)

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  • Views: 27867
  • Brand: Alpha Pharma
  • Product Code: 581
  • Availability: In Stock
2 Product(s) Sold
  • $68.20
  • Ex Tax: $68.20